Financial Management Services is a value-added service offered by our firm that provides full-charge bookkeeping and financial record maintenance services tailored to fit your business needs. A partial list of the typical services offered is as follows:
- Checking Account Maintenance and Reconciliation
- Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Maintenance and Reconciliation.
- Payroll Entry / Processing
- Note Payable and Credit Card Reconciliation & Maintenance
- Amortization / Depreciation Entries
- General Journal Entries & Adjusting Journal Entries
Accurate & Organized Financial Records ensure that your business operations will run more efficiently on a daily basis, and are the fundamentals of a successful business. Our experienced team can assist clients with the day-to-day tasks associated with every aspect of bookkeeping and financial record maintenance.
Services provided are customized and specific to your business needs and budget. Our staff can facilitate the financial record maintenance by utilizing various methods, although the most common methods are listed below:
I. Through remote real-time access to your private client portal maintained on our secure website.
II. On-site at your place of business.
III. At our firm utilizing backup and restore procedures with a data storage device or internet access.
When utilizing the Financial Management Services offered by Boyer and Boyer, the accounting staff will update and make necessary corrections to your business records, or enter the financial records entirely based on your business needs. After your records are updated our staff will transfer the data back to you.